Want a better life? We’ve collected some of our best tips to help you get fit, lose excess pounds and even get happier. Forget all those times when you made resolutions in January only to give them up by Groundhog Day. If you put just a few of these ideas into practice, you’ll be on your way to reaching your goals – and keeping them up for good...
Why not make this your best year ever?
Sure, maybe you say that every year. But if previous resolutions haven’t been realized, maybe you’re going about them the wrong way.
We’ve gathered some of our best recent tips for losing excess weight and living a happier life. They’re simple, easy to implement and fun. Even better, they’re based on research that shows they work.
Maintain a Healthy WeightNeed to lose a few pounds or want to make sure extra weight doesn’t creep up during the new year? You can make it happen. Here’s how: 1. Eat more lean proteins.
Why it works: Diets high in lean proteins are more filling, satisfying and easier to stick to than other low-carb diets because they’re not as restrictive, says Thomas Meinert Larsen, Ph.D., an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen.
When obese adults lost weight, those who maintained high-protein eating habits regained significantly less weight than those who didn’t, according to a 2010 study co-authored by Larsen and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The high-protein eaters were also less likely to give up their diets.
What to do: Get 25% of your calories from lean proteins, such as a chicken breast, salmon, beans and low-fat dairy products.
For the rest, Larsen suggests that carbs (other than refined starches such as white bread or white rice) comprise 45%-50% of total calories, with the remaining 25%-30% coming from fat (primarily unsaturated).
2. Build more muscle.
Why it works: For each pound of muscle mass you add, your body burns 5-10 extra calories per day.
“That doesn’t mean fat is going to melt off while you’re just sitting around," says San Diego personal trainer Jessica Matthews, spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
"But your body becomes more efficient at burning it throughout the day,” she says.
Over time, bulking up a few pounds may be enough to halt much of the weight gain most Americans experience with age.
What to do: Find strength-building exercises here. Or, if you can afford it, hire a trainer to develop a fitness program and help you avoid injury. 3. Catch more zzz’s.
Why it works: People who sleep fewer than seven hours per night are more likely to gain excess weight, according to a 2008 study by Laval University in Canada.
Other research agrees. Adults who regularly slept for only five hours a night increased their levels of the hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin by 14.9% and lowered their levels of appetite-suppressing leptin by 15.5%, according to a four-year joint study by the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University.
This means double trouble for your fat cells: You end up eating more than you need, leaving you with extra pounds to show for it.
What to do: Aim for about 7-8 hours of sleep per night, recommends psychiatrist Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., who headed the San Diego study that showed that people who sleep fewer than five hours a night are more likely to have shorter lives.
Don’t eat heavy foods or exercise within three hours before bedtime. Late in the evening, dim the lights, and stop staring into bright computer screens – take a good book to bed instead.
4. Sip sensibly.
Why it works: Sweetened soda, tea and even fruit juices contain about 120-160 sugar calories per serving. And flavored coffee beverages from places such as Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts can contain a whopping 400 calories per cup.
Alcohol, which flows plentifully during the winter holidays, is another weight-gain temptation: An 8-ounce cup of spiked eggnog has 370 calories; a 1.5-ounce glass of 53-proof Kahlua has 170 calories.
It also impairs judgment and weakens your resolve for sensible eating: You may end up with your hand in the cookie jar all night.
What to do: Drink light beverages such as seltzer, iced tea with mint, or coffee without cream and sweeteners. If you drink alcoholic beverages, stick to lighter drinks such as wine or spirits with no-sugar mixers.
“After one drink, move on to low- or no-calorie beverages such as sparkling water,” suggests Naomi Kakiuchi, R.D., a Seattle nutritionist and culinary educator. 5. Play with your food.
Why it works: Dozens of new mobile-device apps that aid healthy eating have sprung up over the past couple of years – and a new study shows they’re effective.
When Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing observed participants in a healthy-food game for three weeks, they began eating healthier, discussing healthy eating with friends and making better choices when they ate out.
"Our research shows the promise of using casual mobile games to encourage adults to live healthier lifestyles,” the investigators say.
What to do: To find the best game for you, check out 14 Best Fitness Apps for Women.
Get Fit
Fitness isn’t just about looking better – it means feeling better, being healthier and being able to do more in your everyday life. Here’s what you need to make it easier:
6. Do intervals.
Why it works: Interval training — alternating short bursts of intense exercise with brief, but longer, recovery periods — gets you fit faster, revs metabolism and can even suppress appetite, says Gail Trapp, Ph.D., an exercise scientist at Australia’s University of South Wales.
In an indoor cycling study conducted by Trapp, only interval trainers lost body fat — 5.5 pounds on average. And they exercised for half as long as women who cycled steadily at the same rate.
What to do: When you’re running or cycling, alternate 30 seconds of sprinting with 90 seconds of slower-paced recovery. Or alternate 1 minute at a fast clip and 3 minutes of recovery.
You can also try Trapp’s ratio of 8-second sprints with 12-second recoveries using music she created that’s timed to these intervals. Buy LifeSprints Music on iTunes for $9.99. 7. Set up a home gym.
Why it works: Exercising at home saves time and effort. And you can meet your fitness goals without spending much, says San Diego trainer Pete McCall, M.S., an exercise physiologist for ACE.
What to do: There’s no need for high-priced treadmills. You can work your abs, legs and butt for under $60 with the following:
Why it works: New exercisers tend to quit within 3-6 months after starting a new program, according to ACE. But by taking steps to maintain your motivation, you can keep your workout program going strong.
What to do: Set clear goals, says Natalie Digate Muth, M.D., R.D., an ACE spokeswoman.
“Make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound,” she says.
In other words: Don't think, I plan to lose weight. Instead say: I want to lose X pounds over the next Y months by doing Z.
But make those milestones attainable.
“Reality show weight-loss results are not reasonable or healthy goals,” Muth warns.
Strive for losing no more than 1-2 pounds a week, and check with your doctor to find out the most appropriate weight-loss rate for you.
If you find yourself struggling, join a local exercise group for people with similar goals, suggests Oregon therapist Kay Porter, Ph.D., author of The Mental Athlete (Human Kinetics).
Members can encourage one another by sending out notes or e-mails that say things like: “I just signed up for a 5K. How about you?”
Finally, focus on the positive feelings and successes you’ve experienced from exercising regularly, Matthews adds.
Compare benefits associated with maintaining a regular exercise program – such as improving your health and losing excess weight – against the costs of leading a non-active lifestyle. 9. Make things fun.
Why it works: When you were a kid, you probably got lots of physical activity – but back then you called it “play.” If you find ways to make exercise enjoyable again, you’re likely to do a lot more of it, without feeling as though it’s a burden.
What to do: Figure out what makes exercise most enjoyable to you. That might include the following:
10. Hang out with happy people.
Why it works: Moods are strongly influenced by social groups, say Nicholas Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., a physician and sociologist at Harvard Medical School, and James Fowler, Ph.D., professor of political science at University of California: San Diego.
People who surround themselves with happy friends, neighbors, relatives and spouses are more likely to be happy themselves, according to their 2008 research based on a 20-year survey.
What to do: “If you want to reach your aspirations, surround yourself with people who look like the person you want to be,” says Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Virginia and author of Curious? Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life (William Morrow).
That could mean spending more time with friends who have an optimistic, hopeful attitude toward life, as well as joining activity groups where you’ll meet people who share your enthusiasm.
11. Focus on relationships.
Why it works: Experiences shared with others make us happiest – while individual achievements, such as work, school and hobbies, don’t provide the same satisfaction, according to a 2010 study at the University of Buffalo in New York.
When participants reported their most positive and intensely emotional experiences, connecting with others touched people’s lives the most, says co-author Shira Gabriel, Ph.D., a University of Buffalo associate professor of psychology.
What to do: Work on your relationships with friends and family. Spend bonding time with loved ones, and talk about your hopes, dreams and feelings as well as everyday interests.
And make sure you get personal time with pals – don’t leave it all to e-mail and Facebook.
“Relationships are critical to well-being,” says Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., professor of psychology at University of California: Riverside. “The happiest people have strong relationships. Unhappy people don’t have as many.” 12. Spend your resources on experiences, not objects.
Why it works: Money spent on, say, dancing lessons will bring you more happiness than using the same amount for a new dress, says Elizabeth Dunn, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, who led a 2010 analysis on the topic.
Objects bring happiness when you use them, but not when you think about them, Dunn says.
But you get enjoyment from anticipating an exciting experience and remember it long after it’s over, she adds.
What to do: Collect new experiences and activities that are different from your usual patterns, Kashdan suggests. Travel somewhere new or visit a restaurant that serves cuisine you haven't tried before.
“Things that are interesting – and a little scary – give us more intense pleasure,” he says.
13. Go back to nature.
Why it works: If you’re looking for a shot of energy with your relaxation, take a walk in the park, hike a wilderness trail or visit the ocean.
Anything that takes you to a natural setting will elevate your mood, according to 2009 studies at the University of Rochester in New York.
Even just viewing nature photographs or visualizing a wilderness excursion can boost your happiness, says Richard Ryan, Ph.D., a professor of psychology, psychiatry and education at the school.
What to do: When you head for the wilderness, try not to get distracted by work or family problems, Ryan says.
Even if you can’t stay off your cell phone very long, don’t worry.
“Even 20 minutes outside is sufficient,” he says.
Why not make this your best year ever?
Sure, maybe you say that every year. But if previous resolutions haven’t been realized, maybe you’re going about them the wrong way.
We’ve gathered some of our best recent tips for losing excess weight and living a happier life. They’re simple, easy to implement and fun. Even better, they’re based on research that shows they work.
Maintain a Healthy WeightNeed to lose a few pounds or want to make sure extra weight doesn’t creep up during the new year? You can make it happen. Here’s how: 1. Eat more lean proteins.
Why it works: Diets high in lean proteins are more filling, satisfying and easier to stick to than other low-carb diets because they’re not as restrictive, says Thomas Meinert Larsen, Ph.D., an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen.
When obese adults lost weight, those who maintained high-protein eating habits regained significantly less weight than those who didn’t, according to a 2010 study co-authored by Larsen and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The high-protein eaters were also less likely to give up their diets.
What to do: Get 25% of your calories from lean proteins, such as a chicken breast, salmon, beans and low-fat dairy products.
For the rest, Larsen suggests that carbs (other than refined starches such as white bread or white rice) comprise 45%-50% of total calories, with the remaining 25%-30% coming from fat (primarily unsaturated).
2. Build more muscle.
Why it works: For each pound of muscle mass you add, your body burns 5-10 extra calories per day.
“That doesn’t mean fat is going to melt off while you’re just sitting around," says San Diego personal trainer Jessica Matthews, spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
"But your body becomes more efficient at burning it throughout the day,” she says.
Over time, bulking up a few pounds may be enough to halt much of the weight gain most Americans experience with age.
What to do: Find strength-building exercises here. Or, if you can afford it, hire a trainer to develop a fitness program and help you avoid injury. 3. Catch more zzz’s.
Why it works: People who sleep fewer than seven hours per night are more likely to gain excess weight, according to a 2008 study by Laval University in Canada.
Other research agrees. Adults who regularly slept for only five hours a night increased their levels of the hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin by 14.9% and lowered their levels of appetite-suppressing leptin by 15.5%, according to a four-year joint study by the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University.
This means double trouble for your fat cells: You end up eating more than you need, leaving you with extra pounds to show for it.
What to do: Aim for about 7-8 hours of sleep per night, recommends psychiatrist Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., who headed the San Diego study that showed that people who sleep fewer than five hours a night are more likely to have shorter lives.
Don’t eat heavy foods or exercise within three hours before bedtime. Late in the evening, dim the lights, and stop staring into bright computer screens – take a good book to bed instead.
4. Sip sensibly.
Why it works: Sweetened soda, tea and even fruit juices contain about 120-160 sugar calories per serving. And flavored coffee beverages from places such as Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts can contain a whopping 400 calories per cup.
Alcohol, which flows plentifully during the winter holidays, is another weight-gain temptation: An 8-ounce cup of spiked eggnog has 370 calories; a 1.5-ounce glass of 53-proof Kahlua has 170 calories.
It also impairs judgment and weakens your resolve for sensible eating: You may end up with your hand in the cookie jar all night.
What to do: Drink light beverages such as seltzer, iced tea with mint, or coffee without cream and sweeteners. If you drink alcoholic beverages, stick to lighter drinks such as wine or spirits with no-sugar mixers.
“After one drink, move on to low- or no-calorie beverages such as sparkling water,” suggests Naomi Kakiuchi, R.D., a Seattle nutritionist and culinary educator. 5. Play with your food.
Why it works: Dozens of new mobile-device apps that aid healthy eating have sprung up over the past couple of years – and a new study shows they’re effective.
When Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing observed participants in a healthy-food game for three weeks, they began eating healthier, discussing healthy eating with friends and making better choices when they ate out.
"Our research shows the promise of using casual mobile games to encourage adults to live healthier lifestyles,” the investigators say.
What to do: To find the best game for you, check out 14 Best Fitness Apps for Women.
Get Fit
Fitness isn’t just about looking better – it means feeling better, being healthier and being able to do more in your everyday life. Here’s what you need to make it easier:
6. Do intervals.
Why it works: Interval training — alternating short bursts of intense exercise with brief, but longer, recovery periods — gets you fit faster, revs metabolism and can even suppress appetite, says Gail Trapp, Ph.D., an exercise scientist at Australia’s University of South Wales.
In an indoor cycling study conducted by Trapp, only interval trainers lost body fat — 5.5 pounds on average. And they exercised for half as long as women who cycled steadily at the same rate.
What to do: When you’re running or cycling, alternate 30 seconds of sprinting with 90 seconds of slower-paced recovery. Or alternate 1 minute at a fast clip and 3 minutes of recovery.
You can also try Trapp’s ratio of 8-second sprints with 12-second recoveries using music she created that’s timed to these intervals. Buy LifeSprints Music on iTunes for $9.99. 7. Set up a home gym.
Why it works: Exercising at home saves time and effort. And you can meet your fitness goals without spending much, says San Diego trainer Pete McCall, M.S., an exercise physiologist for ACE.
What to do: There’s no need for high-priced treadmills. You can work your abs, legs and butt for under $60 with the following:
- Get a physioball, a thicker, sturdier version of a beach ball. It's one of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment. Sit on it to do biceps curls, kneel on it for balance work, or lay down to do crunches. (Prices start at $37 through online retailers.)
- Buy used dumbbells on Craigslist, McCall advises. Because there aren’t any moving parts, there’s little injury risk involved. Some sell for as little as a few bucks each.
- For cardio, check your TV listings for fitness shows.
“If you have FitTV or ExerciseTV [networks], look for On Demand workout videos, from entry level to very advanced,” McCall says. You may already be paying for it. - To find workouts and instructors that inspire you, check out Video Fitness, an online community where people post reviews and swap videos.
Why it works: New exercisers tend to quit within 3-6 months after starting a new program, according to ACE. But by taking steps to maintain your motivation, you can keep your workout program going strong.
What to do: Set clear goals, says Natalie Digate Muth, M.D., R.D., an ACE spokeswoman.
“Make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound,” she says.
In other words: Don't think, I plan to lose weight. Instead say: I want to lose X pounds over the next Y months by doing Z.
But make those milestones attainable.
“Reality show weight-loss results are not reasonable or healthy goals,” Muth warns.
Strive for losing no more than 1-2 pounds a week, and check with your doctor to find out the most appropriate weight-loss rate for you.
If you find yourself struggling, join a local exercise group for people with similar goals, suggests Oregon therapist Kay Porter, Ph.D., author of The Mental Athlete (Human Kinetics).
Members can encourage one another by sending out notes or e-mails that say things like: “I just signed up for a 5K. How about you?”
Finally, focus on the positive feelings and successes you’ve experienced from exercising regularly, Matthews adds.
Compare benefits associated with maintaining a regular exercise program – such as improving your health and losing excess weight – against the costs of leading a non-active lifestyle. 9. Make things fun.
Why it works: When you were a kid, you probably got lots of physical activity – but back then you called it “play.” If you find ways to make exercise enjoyable again, you’re likely to do a lot more of it, without feeling as though it’s a burden.
What to do: Figure out what makes exercise most enjoyable to you. That might include the following:
- Find recreational activities. Do you enjoy swimming, biking, hiking in the mountains? Forget that they’re good for you – just have fun doing something you like.
- Play sports. Golf, tennis, even ping pong are enjoyable and keep you active. Join a local soccer or softball league – or just toss a Frisbee in the park.
- Make it social. Find friends interested in getting fit. Plan a date for the gym or a get-together at a cardio kickboxing class. Better yet, make friends in class – if they show up, they’re just as interested in getting in shape as you are.
- Make it a family affair. Take group walks or bike rides. Put up a basketball hoop and challenge your spouse to a game of H-O-R-S-E. Set up a net for volleyball or badminton. Not only will the whole family benefit from the activity, but you’ll also get more togetherness time.
10. Hang out with happy people.
Why it works: Moods are strongly influenced by social groups, say Nicholas Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., a physician and sociologist at Harvard Medical School, and James Fowler, Ph.D., professor of political science at University of California: San Diego.
People who surround themselves with happy friends, neighbors, relatives and spouses are more likely to be happy themselves, according to their 2008 research based on a 20-year survey.
What to do: “If you want to reach your aspirations, surround yourself with people who look like the person you want to be,” says Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Virginia and author of Curious? Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life (William Morrow).
That could mean spending more time with friends who have an optimistic, hopeful attitude toward life, as well as joining activity groups where you’ll meet people who share your enthusiasm.
11. Focus on relationships.
Why it works: Experiences shared with others make us happiest – while individual achievements, such as work, school and hobbies, don’t provide the same satisfaction, according to a 2010 study at the University of Buffalo in New York.
When participants reported their most positive and intensely emotional experiences, connecting with others touched people’s lives the most, says co-author Shira Gabriel, Ph.D., a University of Buffalo associate professor of psychology.
What to do: Work on your relationships with friends and family. Spend bonding time with loved ones, and talk about your hopes, dreams and feelings as well as everyday interests.
And make sure you get personal time with pals – don’t leave it all to e-mail and Facebook.
“Relationships are critical to well-being,” says Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., professor of psychology at University of California: Riverside. “The happiest people have strong relationships. Unhappy people don’t have as many.” 12. Spend your resources on experiences, not objects.
Why it works: Money spent on, say, dancing lessons will bring you more happiness than using the same amount for a new dress, says Elizabeth Dunn, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, who led a 2010 analysis on the topic.
Objects bring happiness when you use them, but not when you think about them, Dunn says.
But you get enjoyment from anticipating an exciting experience and remember it long after it’s over, she adds.
What to do: Collect new experiences and activities that are different from your usual patterns, Kashdan suggests. Travel somewhere new or visit a restaurant that serves cuisine you haven't tried before.
“Things that are interesting – and a little scary – give us more intense pleasure,” he says.
13. Go back to nature.
Why it works: If you’re looking for a shot of energy with your relaxation, take a walk in the park, hike a wilderness trail or visit the ocean.
Anything that takes you to a natural setting will elevate your mood, according to 2009 studies at the University of Rochester in New York.
Even just viewing nature photographs or visualizing a wilderness excursion can boost your happiness, says Richard Ryan, Ph.D., a professor of psychology, psychiatry and education at the school.
What to do: When you head for the wilderness, try not to get distracted by work or family problems, Ryan says.
Even if you can’t stay off your cell phone very long, don’t worry.
“Even 20 minutes outside is sufficient,” he says.
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